Mesquite Creek Ranch - Another Book by Charlene Reams Manning


It is my joy to launch my first effort with fiction! This two book novel begins with post WW 2 in the 50's. It was a simpler time in modern American life: it was happy days of peace after a very hard won war. I grew up, not exactly like these imaginary ranch kids, and yet from time to time as I wrote, it came very close. I drew on my own experiences and those of my childhood companions. I am hoping to preserve the sense of a kind of naive time in our history.  Not without its problems, but not like what we have today. ​

The story of Mesquite Creek Ranch and its people will interest and entertain readers of all ages. The Ranch is an idyllic place. It is the backdrop for our Texas ranch kids who live and grow up in the 1950's, miles from the nearest town. Our hero, Wes, arrives at the Ranch with his parents, all three of them feeling a bit like drifters who are wanting to find a forever home. Wes is a bit shy, but makes friends quickly in this new place. 

Back then, big city problems were mostly in the big cities. In small towns like this remote ranch community, middle class folks raised their kids mostly in peace, safety and harmony. The children at Mesquite Creek Ranch grew up in a village where they faced life with faith in God and a strong commitment to each other. The kids are apart from "civilization" but surrounded by all the good things a rural environment offers. There's good and bad excitement, great joys and times of sadness. At times there is even deep sorrow. 

In the author's imaginary young people navigate the perils of puberty and in Part Two, grow into fine adults. The story looks into their family problems and shows how the parents cope, how by example they teach their children to live well. The families go into the saga of childhood and the teen years, as the parents mature along with their kids. These ranch citizens together are an extended "family" flourishing under the watchful eyes of the ranch's wealthy owner-patriarchs--Mr. and Mrs. McCleary.

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